Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Well, not surprizingly, I am WAY behind in posting to my blog. As I mentioned before though, I wanted to post my daughters surprise birthday gift here and I actually did manage to finish the tags! She loved it! I loved it! Everyone loved it! We all enjoyed browsing through the old photos and reminising about loved ones passed on, and those we still have. To be honest, making the tags was a very emotional process for me. This top photo for instance, is my mother-in-law and father-in-law many years however, before I knew them. She was a beautiful woman and she loved her family. She was the mother to four boys and while making these tags, I kept thinking how much she loved them, how she sacrificed for them and what a difficult life she had. Being a mother myself, and now a little older and wiser - just made me appreciate her all the more. While we were close, we could have been closer had I invested the time. Her grandaughter, my daughter has her spunk and her sweetness. We lost her in 2006, and in making her tag, I was saddened to remember how much time I did not spend with her. I miss her deeply and regret the time lost. Other photos brought tears as well. Nonetheless, it was an extremely enjoyable project and my daughter has placed it on her china cabinet hook for all to view and says she will cherish it always.

1 comment:

pchickki said...

Wonderful ! I always love going through old photos and I did just that with my granddaughter last month.

Very nice post

A long, long time ago......but I can still remember....

A long, long time ago......but I can still remember....
Just the two of us, before the rest of us...


At 10 weeks. Half sweet and half not!