Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We are family.....

This is my great aunt Eunice when she was four years old. That would have been about 1908! She was a beautiful child. She was my favorite great aunt! It was a joy to find this photo. I have been looking at a lot of old photos lately. Digging around in my family roots. Learning about people that have passed and how they may have lived their lives in the eras in which they lived. It is fun to piece together and to imagine. An extra benefit is the real photos! It is exciting to have my own family photos now to use in my altered art!

I have been working on a secret project. It really has taken quite a bit of time to compile and design. This will be a gift for my daughters October 3rd birthday. It is almost complete but I have learned in this process that I am an impatient artist. If I have an idea and I have the materials in front of me, I want to dive in. Not bad except that you run into a few "oopps" along the way. You discover that maybe you should have done this or that or not have done this or that! But, that is part of art I guess. Didn't Picasso say that some of his best works were mistakes?

I don't know. My mistakes are more like a stupid brush hairs caught in the varnish. and now forever part of my artwork! Arghhh!!! Why didn't I use a sponge!? No amount of fingernail digging is gonna make that look better. This is the kind of errors I am talking about. Or like realizing that something should have been pasted BEHIND what you already pasted down. Or a hole made too big, or no where for the hole! Poor planing....impatient planning. Yep. That is where I am here. But, it looks cool anyway. I know she will be touched when she sees it. I hope she doesn't magnify the errors!

Well, I will keep you posted and load some photos when the 3rd gets a wee bit closer. She checks this page and I don't want to ruin the surprise! Be Patient!!!

1 comment:

pchickki said...

Can't wait to see what you are making!
Sounds like you have been having alot of fun with your ancestors photos. I love old photos.

A long, long time ago......but I can still remember....

A long, long time ago......but I can still remember....
Just the two of us, before the rest of us...


At 10 weeks. Half sweet and half not!