Sunday, June 8, 2008

Alas, I am a bad blogger. It is a very cool concept, this "open diary-journal" thing. One jots down ideas, iteniaries, notions, thoughts, inclinations, etc. Then people stop by, hopefully sipping on their herbal teas, feet up, comfy and cozy- forgetting their own troubles or mundane lives while drawing from your frivilous rants and ramblings. At the end, hopefully the readers life has been enhanced from reading your blog. That is the purpose anyway, isn't it?

What if however, the blog writer fails to add new ramblings to their blog? It would be like going into a shoe store and finding the same shoes on the rack at each visit! Why, you wouldn't eveb waste your time going back to that store now, would you? You might wait a few months to give the store an opportunity to put up new stock, because otherwise if the store never changed their stock and always had the same thing-why go back there? Shameful. What a waste of a wonderful concept and a waste of a perfectly good shoe store to boot! (No pun intended!)

So dear readers, I apologize for my lack of dedication. There is no viable excuse. I promise to TRY to do better!

The lady in green above should give you a pretty good idea of how I have been feeling these days. A digital display of emotions titled "Looking Out". Though the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak....and trying to pull myself out of this "block" is tiring, and the complacency is irritating because I am not one to be content in not producing change. I mean, I am an artist! That is what artists like me do - we "change" things. Yet this hum-drum place is oddly comfortable so much that I am beginning to lose sight of the direction I was originally heading in. " What does that mean?" you ponder? "Eh, I dunno".

I guess this may be normal. Maybe this happens from time to time. I have to do something though - I have accumeulated too much junk to not do anything at all. At the very minimum, perhaps a yard sale is in order. Maybe I should stay with simply reading about how to make things. It seems that I am usually too tired to actually create anything anyway. Or maybe I can just throw everything away except for my computer, as digital art is so much fun, albeit the lazy artists retreat.

Who knows? But, fear not dear reader. I am sure to get back on the saddle any day now. Certainly I will have to look for new shoes in the very near future! This place is beginning to irritate me.

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A long, long time ago......but I can still remember....

A long, long time ago......but I can still remember....
Just the two of us, before the rest of us...


At 10 weeks. Half sweet and half not!