Saturday, December 6, 2008

"Careful now...."

As a mother, of adult children, I really do not have much control over their choices and decisions, though I do often lose a bit of sleep about them! I worry about their finances and life choices as if they were my own. But, a parent can only advise them, perhaps share their opinion (if they ask you for it, & even sometimes when they don't), and by all means pray for them, but you never know if they are making the right decisions. You sometimes don't know what the best decision is for your own life, but usually by my age, hopefully one has at least gained a wee bit of wisdom and then the chances are greater that the right one has been executed!

I created this digital piece of art out of that exact feeling. You raise your kids, you teach them life skills, and pray for them diligently - then send them on their way! And yes, that would be just like me, hovering behind these little ones, attempting to light their way, but knowing that they have to choose their own path. And they should, carefully.

We are given life for that very reason, that we DO find our own way by God-given free will. Then, our sucessess are our own, as are our failures. We all learn from both. Still, mothers and dads too I suppose, like God, are always mindful and concerned that the path which these little ones whom we love so much will choose, will be the narrow one.

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A long, long time ago......but I can still remember....

A long, long time ago......but I can still remember....
Just the two of us, before the rest of us...


At 10 weeks. Half sweet and half not!